Superhero or SuperFake?
Wow. This picture is a blog all in itself. I really don't have to say a whole lot, but I think it brings a really good example to light. Are these REALLY Superheroe's or are they just SuperFake? I'm praying that all of you people out there that have a brain of your own know that these men are no where near Superheroe's... At least from the Superhero standard.
First of all, who gets up in the morning and decides that "TODAY is the day for me to dress as a Superhero!" You think they had Superhero music playing in the background as they pulled on their tights, masks and high boots? You think the guy in the middle ever contemplated shaving his legs or getting a tan prior to taking to the streets? Seriously though. What is the motivation? Do they think we believe them? If you had a crisis would you seek these guys out and call for help from "Hourman", "Atom", and "Flash"? (No. I'm not a comic geek. I looked their names up)
But this brings me to my point. How many of us walk around trying really hard to be a "Christian"? We try to pass off as "Holier then thou" and "Mighty Woman or Man of God". We go through the motions of what the Bible tells us we should do or be, but all along we are just SuperFake and not SuperChristian.
If someone were to come to us in crisis and seek us out because of our "SuperChristian" status, we could really only do so much because although we look the part - we are really just "SuperFake". I can even play the theme music to Christianity in the background: "Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound, that Saved a Wrech like me!..."
Dressing the part, using the Christianese lingo, playing the music doesn't make us a "SuperChristian". In fact, just like these guys, it makes up look like idiots. As though we are the only ones not clued in to the fact that we look like wanna be hero's and comic geeks.
If you notice, most of the SuperHero's in comic books are such because something happened to them. They were bit by a radioactive spider, they fell from another planet, they inhaled a substance, hit by lightening... The list goes on and on.
As Christians, until we ourselves are filled with another substance, the Holy Spirit, we are ineffective. We have no power. Without Christ and the Holy Spirit in our lives we are just ordinary human beings. There is no "Super" or "Hero" in our lives until our lives are touched by the ultimate SuperHero.
When we are changed by this power we have abilities beyond the average human being. We have Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Self-Control, Prosperity, Faith, Grace, Mercy, Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment, Compassion, ...should I keep going?
The best part about being a Christian is that our "power" is costly, but already paid for! All we have to do is ask, put our lives in His hands and let Him have control of every part of us. It changes everything when we do. It changes everyone around us. It motivates us to help others. It encourages us to keep moving. It will make you do things that are impossible. It will put you in situations where you (through Christ) are the SuperHero!
"It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he'll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ's!" (Romans 8:11 MSG)