I grew up in a pastors home. I'm a 'PK' (Pastors Kid). Usually we are known for going haywire in our teenage years because we see so much behind the scenes of a church. I went through my share of "stuff", but God has saved me. I have seen religion, but God saved me from the law. I made horrible choices when I was trying to find my way, but God never left me. I stumbled in my walk, but He held me high.
I came to realize that I blamed so much on "the church" for what I saw, what I experienced, what I didn't experience, how people treated me, etc., etc., etc. But now that I'm older and have my own relationship with Jesus Christ, I realize that "the church" wasn't what I thought it was.
Yes, I attended and still attend a great church. But ultimately, WE are the church. WE are the examples of Jesus Christ. I don't want to live another day of pointing people to "church" for the sake of going to "church". My relationship with Jesus Christ should compel them to join me at church. My life should be an example of "the church". My life should reflect Jesus in everything I do. WE have the hope for the lost and the dying world. WE have the answer for the empty place in their life. WE have what they need.... WE just need to live it more often.
I am the church. You are the church. Together, we are the church. One body of believers in Jesus Christ. He is the only way, the Son of God, the Divine, the Lamb of God - He Is and He Was and He is to Come. But here on earth, we make up the church. We are the living example of Jesus Christ. You may be the only Jesus that some people ever see. Be the best example of Him every day, every hour, every moment. You never know who will see Jesus in you today.
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