We're All Just A Little Bit Quackers...

Quackers the Duck

This is Quackers.  He never had a real name until I just named him last night.  He’s Sierra’s (my 24.8lb daughter) duck.  She calls him “Ducka”… Now I call him Quackers. 

Sierra’s had croup for the past couple days.  Nights have been yuck around here.  She has a hard time sleeping.  Weird since she’s slept through the night since she was about 3 months old.  It is nights like the last three where Steve and I make the comment that maybe kid #2 is nowhere in our plans.  She barfed two nights so we were giving her a bath about 3 a.m. and cleaning the cribbage from the barfage.  Plus, she has started to scream when we put her to bed – something she rarely does.  I don’t mean just whine or cry – I mean all out war and tantrum.  She’s good at it too.  She can cry hard enough and long enough that she barfs.  It’s pretty cool if it’s someone else’s kid, but not when it’s yours! haha

So, last night we put her to bed around 8:30p.m.  She cried, then she screamed.  Then she held her sippy cup while crying and screaming.  We watched her in the baby monitor the whole time.  She is stubborn (gets it from Steve).  She’s got patience too (she gets that from me of course).  I was thinking those two things until I saw her do something an immature person would do… she started throwing out all the things in her crib that she usually has when she goes to sleep.  First it was the sippy cup that she chucked across the room.  She screamed when she did it.  Then it was the blanket.  She sleeps with this blanket, but there it went … over the crib.  Then it was Quackers.  (formerly known as “Ducka”).  Quackers went flying to the floor and apparently his wings were broken cause that’s where he landed.  Sierra screamed again -  Still standing of course.

I watched her in the monitor.  She was still standing and still screaming.  I guess she thought that if she chucked all her stuff overboard that we’d come to the rescue and save her and the stuff.  But we didn’t.  I just watched and sorta chuckled to myself at the irony of getting rid of stuff that normally makes her happy.

Then I noticed that instead of screaming just for the sake of screaming she started pointing and screaming at her stuff on the floor.  Sorta like she couldn’t believe her stuff was on the floor and the “how did it get there?” look. 

We eventually rescued her belongs and put her back to bed, but I realized that is what we do at times with God.  We get really mad at something that is or isn’t going on in our lives and we start to boycott the things that normally made us happy and gave us comfort.  Stuff like church, family, wise counsel… The stuff that normally we look at and know that God put before us to help us. 

Haven’t you noticed that when things aren’t going great and we are mad that we start to shun the stuff, relationships, or situations that God has put around us to get us through things?  God never leaves us, even though we may feel like it.  In fact, God has put people and situations around us to let us know that He is still there. 

I pictured Him last night doing what I did with Sierra.  Watching me throw a tantrum and sort of chuckling to Himself that I am so immature and just don’t understand the big picture.  We’re all just quacks.  =0)