We're All Just A Little Bit Quackers...
I was listening to Air1 yesterday on my way out of town. Great station and good songs. They played an old song by Rich Mullins. If you have never heard his music he is really great. Went to be with Jesus years ago, but his lyrics sure stand strong.
The song they played was"While The Nations Rage". I had never really stopped to think about the lyrics he had in the song, but gosh they are powerful!
He talks about how even though the nails that were in Jesus' hands are rusted away, even though the thorns in His crown have turned to dust - His love is still the same. It hasn't changed after all these years!
Everything else has changed and whithered away, but God's love stands the test of time. Nothing can change Gods love for us. Nothing can seperate us from the love of God. Time will come and go, friends will come and go, our reputation may come and go, but God will always love us. God will always be faithful to us even we we aren't faithful to Him.
No matter what you do or have done - God will be faithful. I always say in my prayers to God "Thank you for being faithful even when I have been so faithless!"
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakednes, or peril, or sword?... For I am persuaded that niether death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Hebrews 8:35-39