Open a Door That No Man Can Shut...
So, Friendo here (i.e., Sierra, my 24lb human daughter), recently discovered the doggy door. For a while she has known about the doggy door and has been throwing her toys out the plastic flap only to land outside – out of reach and in Bobo’s (our 8lb dog’s) way of getting back into the house.
A Few French Fries Short of a Happy Meal.
Have you ever known someone who is good at “bending the truth”? You know, little things that seem really small and insignificant until they start to pile up and become big?
I realize that we all exaggerate to some degree. Yes, I do believe that exaggeration is just another form of lying and Yes, I do it quite a bit myself… about 1,000 times a day (exaggeration of course).
Pedal Pusher.
It has been a while now that my 3-year-old, my 36 pounder, first-born, Friendo - Sierra Starr – has been trying to ride her bike. Actually, it has been a very long time. Her grandparents bought her this cool bike last year with training wheels, sparkles, pink, – the whole nine yards. However, it is the kind of bike that when you pedal backwards it is the break and she kept trying, for whatever reason, to pedal backwards.
The Journey.
The road was long, bumpy and full of potholes. It was hot outside and I wanted to go home. I was tired of the journey. I was weary of the same scenery. Nothing seemed to change. It was all desert. Here and there would be a small stream, but it was never enough. It was only enough to keep me moving, to keep me pressing on.
My Favorites:
- Bird On A Wire
- Pigs Really Do Fly...
- I Didn't Hear Him...
- My Happy Little Life...
- We All Run Our Race
- A Few Fries Short of a Happy Meal
- We're All Just a Little Bit Quackers
- Open a Door That No Man Can Shut
- The Journey
- Dweller or Journeyman?
- Traveler on the Road Less Traveled
Simply Good:
Faith Like An Locomotive
Faith, Faith, Faith. So easy to say, so hard to follow through on.
Isn't this picture crazy? There is a "fad" in Indonesia going on where people believe that laying on a train track will heal them. They believe that the electric current of a coming locomotive will heal any ailgments in their bodies. Wow.
I'm under the assumption that as soon as the train hits them, they are no longer worrying about that headache they previously had endured. Seriously. That's faith - faith in a locomotive, but still it is faith!
I always like to think that I have a strong faith in God. I believe He can heal, save, deliver - you name it and my God can do it! But I don't like it when I'm tested in what I believe. It really makes me uncomfortable. I wish God would recognize that and just leave me alone, but I guess I am humor to Him. I think that when it says Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession on behalf that Jesus is so humored by my attempt at faith and life in general, He probably laughs more then He interceeds.
Okay, back to my point: Yesterday I was tested in my faith. It wasn't that I got sick, my kids got sick (already done that enough!), I didn't stub my toe, cut my finger, car started like normal... You get the picture. Honestly, I was having a perfectly good evening when God so rudely interrupted me.
I was outside yesterday evening with Sierra. She was riding her bike around and I was watering flowers and just enjoying the really nice weather. (Again, minding my own business when God so rudely interrupted!) My neighors dog came roaming over and following was my neighbor. I don't know her name. I think Crystal. Pretty sure on that, but not sure enough to call her by her first name to her face. hahaha
Crystal walks by in her PJ's and messy hair. She says, "Sorry I look so bad. I have been in bed for two days. I have had a migrane and haven't been able to get out of bed. My doctor even called in stronger prescription for me yesterday. It always lasts three days so I only have one more day of this. At least I'm hoping." :::Let me remind you, I'm totally minding my own business!::: So, I did the Christian thing and said, "I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad to see you out and around. We will be praying for you."
That was it. She went back in the house to take a shower. I did the spiritual walk of shame back to my house where I felt convicted for not sharing my faith with her. "We'll be praying for you"?? Serioulsy? That's the best I've got?!? Ugh. Where was my faith!? I knew I could have stopped and asked to pray with her. Who ever turns down prayer!? I know she probably isn't saved.
I sat down in my chair in the front yard and watched Sierra play. I repented to God silently for not doing what I knew I needed to do. I even thought of going to her door to ask to pray for her, but I knew she said she was going to take a shower... that would just be awkward.
About 20 minutes later my other neighbor, Bill, came home. He and his wife, Carol, are a retired couple. They use to be Seventh Day Adventist Pastors. He recently had a quadrupal bipass surgery and she had a shunt put in her head to drain fluid. They've had a rough year.
He came over to say hello and when he did I simply asked how he was feeling. His response? "Thanks so much for asking. I'm doing great, but Carol isn't doing well. She has had a headache for the past few days. The doctors are concerned about infection or a blockage in her shunt and are scheduling for a dye X-ray next week. She has had a hard time walking, remembering things and just doesn't feel good." (haha Really? A second chance here?!?) I quickly said, "Well, can we pray? I believe God can heal so I don't want you to leave without us agreeing in prayer!"
After a praying in the middle of the street, Sierra watching us while eating away at cheese puffs, neighbor kids playing football all around us, Bill politely thanked us and walked into his home. I walked away with my own faith a little more strengthened. I didn't have to have faith to tell him or his wife to lay down in front of a locomotive. I just had to use my own faith to tell him that God still heals today, God is still in control, God has our days numbered.
Who needs a locomotive when our own faith in God can do the job? Don't pass up a single opportunity to share what you have. You are a reflection of Jesus in whoever you meet. Use it. Share it. Be it. Don't let your life go to waste.
1 Peter 3:15, "Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you're living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy."